
Here you will find the most frequently used MultiBel applications. The system has a flexible design and can meet the most complex requirements. Areas of use include accidents, fire, evacuations, power outages, poison gas accidents, bomb threats, aggression, pandemic, poisoned food, cyber attack, network outages and much more. MultiBel alerts and informs your crisis team, emergency response team, management, technicians, IT staff, etc.

First Aid

bhv alarmering

A common use of MultiBel is alerting the Company Emergency Response Officer (also known as company first aid officials, CFA). Whether it concerns alerting 5 or 500 Officers in the Company Emergency Reponse Team, MultiBel always makes sure that no time is lost and the damage is mitigated. The automatic presence registration enables you to only call on those officials who are currently present at the location. A range of options is available, such as calling a limited number of persons, checking duty charts, gaining insight into the CERT occupancy per location, a link with internal emergency numbers, sharing shifts, walkie talkie function etc.


brand alarmering

MultiBel is often linked to a fire alarm system (NEN-EN-54 certified connection). If an alert is submitted by a fire detector, an alarm scenario is initiated immediately. The recipients will be immediately informed of the location of the fire and what is expected of them. No valuable time is lost.

You can also choose to only contact those persons who are present or in the vicinity. This last method is often used in nursing or care institutions.


The complete evacuation of a building in an efficient manner requires a lot of information, communication, and coordination. It is often impossible to define all possible scenarios in advance. MultiBel allows you to add last-minute information when initiating an alarm, such as information about the escape route. The employees can immediately coordinate actions through a conference call, thanks to which they no longer need to gather at a fixed location. No time is lost unnecessarily.


Front desk assistants, teachers, physicians, store staff, physician assistants, outbound workers; sadly, they all encounter aggression on a regular basis. A fixed alarm button or portable emergency button ensures that you can quickly call on your colleagues or the intervention team to provide assistance. Thanks to the automatic presence registration, only the persons in the vicinity will be called on.

Lone worker

Our solutions for lone workers show your staff that they are not alone. Fall detection for risky professions or unobtrusive emergency buttons for intimidation, aggression, or violence are all applications which enable an employer to offer a safe work environment.

IT alerting

IT issues can significantly disrupt the continuity of your company and have a great impact on your turnover and reputation. Server errors, network outage, power outage, DDoS attacks, Internet criminality, hacking, data breaches; we cannot prevent all of these, but we can make sure that no time is lost calling on the right persons. People still often rely on email, text message, or a call list, which is a waste as it unnecessarily extends the “Mean Time to Repair”.

Technical errors

Technical errors cause a lot of damage. Orders cannot be accepted, product lines shut down, customers receive their orders too late, products spoil, plants die, air is not refreshed, etc.

Most systems are already being monitored. If something goes wrong, a lot of time is wasted because alarms are transmitted using a WhatsApp group, text message, or call list. MultiBel can automatically call the right persons by linking the systems to MultiBel. If persons do not respond, or if too few people respond, the next persons will be contacted automatically. You can also ask employees who responded to provide an indication of when the error will be resolved after some time has passed.


If something goes wrong at your company and you want to inform the immediate surroundings, adjacent companies, or nearby residents of the situation, you can inform thousands of people at the press of a button using MultiBel. You can also keep these same persons informed of the status of the calamity, for example when they can return home. By using MultiBel as a crisis communication app, you can prevent a lot of frustration and unawareness among affected persons.

Hospital Crisis

Quickly contact physicians, nurses, specialists, and other employees in case of a large-scale calamity. Nearly half of the hospitals in the Netherlands rely on MultiBel and is ensured that no time is lost in case of a hospital crisis alarm. Everyone will be informed within seconds, and you are ensured that sufficient medical care can be provided.



Without the right tools to communicate your crisis approach quickly, business continuity is at greater risk than necessary. Situations can change quickly and require an effective communication system to quickly create a common picture for employees, stakeholders, and other stakeholders. MultiBel offers a push-to-talk walkie-talkie function, conference call and chat tools to quickly create a common image.

Incident management

crisis incident management

With MultiBel you have an incident management system to call the right people, communicate via the app, log actions, set tasks and you have a real-time overview of the current situation and all necessary information for the evaluation. Everything is available in one user-friendly and reliable system.

Terrorist threat

It won’t happen to us. But what if it does? How can I give the right instructions to my staff? How do I inform customers, pupils, or students? Do I need to evacuate the persons present, or should everyone stay inside with doors closed? MultiBel can be linked to panic buttons and make sure that everyone is given instructions in a matter of seconds, even if you need to contact tens of thousands of persons.

Choose the right package for you

Send alerts for FREE with MultiBel Standard or choose MultiBel Professional.

Contact us for more information or a demo.

    Maikel Wijman,
    Sales Consultant MultiBel