Reference: Panic alarm because of school violence

Reference story: Panic alarm for teachers Safety is always a priority in educational institutions. The focus is often on the safety of pupils and/or students. However, both support staff and teachers increasingly find themselves in situations where aggression and violence threaten their sense of safety. This includes aggression in schools between or by pupils, [...]

Fall detection app for Lone Worker Safety

Fall detection app for Lone Worker Safety The MultiBel solution for lone workers contains several options to guarantee the safety of your employees: fall detection alarm button motion detection check in intervals – interval control Fall detection for Lone workers Fall detection means that the system detects that the employee falls [...]

NEW: Mobile alarm button for more safety

A mobile alarm button? Does MultiBel now also sell hardware? The short answer is: “No, MultiBel does not sell hardware”. We do have a number of products, both hardware and software, that we regularly link to. The aim is always to alert, inform or communicate as quickly as possible. For example, we have [...]

Protecting Hotel Worker: Panic Button & App

Hotel employees are protected with combination app - panic button In May 2011, there was a report of rape against former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK). At the Sofitel hotel in New York, a chambermaid indicated that she had been raped by him. Two weeks later, there was a similar incident at The [...]

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