Reference: Panic alarm because of school violence
Reference story: Panic alarm for teachers Safety is always a priority in educational institutions. The focus is often on the safety of pupils and/or students. However, both support staff and teachers increasingly find themselves [...]
Instructional videos
MultiBel instructional videos Does your company have MultiBel Professional or MultiBel Standard and do you want to refresh your knowledge or train new employees? If so, our new MultiBel training [...]
Computable Award Belgium 2024
Computable Award Belgium 2024: Security Innovation of the Year On 30 May, we were in Brussels for Cybersec Europe, a leading event focusing on the latest developments and trends in cybersecurity. [...]
FD Gazellen International 2024
MultiBel wins a FD Gazellen International 2024 This is the third FD Gazelle we have received, but this is a special one. Namely, we have won an FG Gazelle International. Some background information: The [...]
FT 1000 (2024)
MultiBel recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in Europe by Financial Times In a special recognition of continued growth and innovation, MultiBel has been named one of the [...]
Samsung XCover: Smartphone with alarm button
Samsung XCover smartphone with built-in alarm button Aggression is unfortunately becoming increasingly common in the workplace. Many of our customers ensure that their employees can work more safely. To do [...]
Video: MultiBel for Lone Worker Protection
Video: MultiBel for Lone Worker Protection Would you like to find out more about MultiBel? Would you like to try MultiBel for lone worker protection? [...]
6 months CEO
6 months CEO Bauke How were the first 6 months? In two word: super fun! Such a career switch is naturally quite exciting. But the reception by [...]
App recognises non-movement of lone worker
Lone Worker App recognises non-movement MultiBels lone worker solution contains several triggers for quickly alerting the right people: non-movement detection check in intervals – interval control fall detection emergency button [...]
MultiBel reached 150,000 users
Number of MultiBel users reaches 150,000 Den Bosch (The Netherlands), 19 June 2023 – MultiBel, an emergency notification system service that quickly alerts to keep employees safe and react faster [...]
Bauke Gerbens appointed new CEO MultiBel
Bauke Gerbens appointed new CEO MultiBel A new phase call for new leadership MultiBel has appointed Bauke Gerbens the new CEO of MultiBel. Bauke brings 25 [...]
Create a follow up alarm
Follow up alarm: new feature in MultiBel The "Follow up alarm" function allows you to send a new message with additional information to people who have been notified before. A distinction [...]
What is MultiBel? video 2021
What is MultiBel 2021? Want to know more about MultiBel? Would you like to try MultiBel? Contact us for a demo and discuss the options [...]
CERT Alarm Button: help for everyone
CERT Alarm Button: help for everyone What is a CERT alarm button? A CERT alarm button is a fixed button used to notify the Company Emergency Response team. When the CERT [...]
Scan QR code to start an Emergency Alert
Scan QR-code start the alarm An alarm with MultiBel can be initiated in several ways. One of our customers indicated the wish to do this by means of a QR-code. The customer [...]
Fall detection app for Lone Worker Safety
Fall detection app for Lone Worker Safety The MultiBel solution for lone workers contains several options to guarantee the safety of your employees: fall detection alarm button motion detection check in [...]
NEW: Mobile alarm button for more safety
A mobile alarm button? Does MultiBel now also sell hardware? The short answer is: “No, MultiBel does not sell hardware”. We do have a number of products, both hardware and software, that we [...]
Adrz: 1st hospital with evacuation system in the cloud
Adrz improves fire safety by using a wireless hospital evacuation system. Adrz improves fire safety by using a wireless hospital evacuation system. Adrz is a regional hospital in the Netherlands [...]
LUMC deploys MultiBel alarm system in case of crisis
LUMC deploys MultiBel alarm system in case of crisis The Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) is entering into a partnership with MultiBel. The hospital in Leiden deploys this alarm and [...]
De Waalboog evacuation alarm system in the cloud
De Waalboog has the first cloud based NEN2575-4 evacuation alarm system The care organisation De Waalboog (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) improves fire safety by installing the first Private Cloud NEN2575-4 evacuation alarm [...]
Lone worker app with Check In Intervals
Check in intervals for lone workers with smartphone app MultiBels lone worker solution contains several options: fall detection emergency button motion detection check in intervals - interval control In some [...]
Scenario: nursing home patient missing
Scenario: Nursing home patient goes missing If, due to for instance wandering, a nursing home patient is missing employees must be alerted and start looking as soon as possible. In [...]
Protecting Hotel Worker: Panic Button & App
Hotel employees are protected with combination app - panic button In May 2011, there was a report of rape against former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK). At the Sofitel hotel in New York, [...]
Lone worker protection with emergency button
Lone worker protection with emergency button Emergency button provides safety for lone workers A mobile emergency button offers people who have to do their work without the supervision of others a [...]
Computable awards 2021
Computable awards 2021: MultiBel nominated The Computable Awards are the most important ICT prizes that are awarded annually to companies, projects and individuals that have clearly distinguished themselves in the past year. MultiBel [...]
Technisch Beheer Nederland (TBN) in co-operation with MultiBel
Technisch Beheer Nederland (TBN) enters into co-operation with MultiBel. Technisch Beheer Nederland (TBN) enters into co-operation with MultiBel. The organisation, with headquarters in IJsselstijn, hopes to make an improvement [...]
How to select a Lone Worker system?
6 tips for selecting a Lone Worker System There are many different Lone Worker systems in the market and choosing the right one for your company and employees can be [...]
Why use an evacuation system based on smartphones instead of pagers??
Why does the market want a Cloud based smartphone silent alarm evacuation system instead of pagers? An evacuation system helps save lives. Detecting a fire or other calamity quickly is [...]
Tips: fast & efficient emergency notification
Effective emergency notification vs chaos Why do some organizations alert quickly & efficiently and others don't? We are happy to provide you with a number of tools to improve the emergency notification [...]
K21047 Wireless Silent Alarm System (WSAS) certified
MultiBel is the first company to be certified according to Kiwa K21047 Wireless Silent Alarm System (WSAS). MultiBel B.V. is the first emergency notification system to be certified according to [...]
Questions for selecting the best emergency response app
38 questions to select the best emergency response app Several companies offer an alarm application. The applications are often for the emergency response teams, but also for lone worker protection, [...]