Lone Worker App recognises non-movement

MultiBels lone worker solution contains several triggers for quickly alerting the right people:

non-movement lone worker

Non-movement App on the smartphone

Settings for the smartphone’s sensor system are defined in advance. If limits are exceeded, the Lone Worker App sends a “non-movement alarm” to the desired recipients.

The alert on the App breaks through the smartphone’s silent mode. In addition, recipients are also alerted by phone, e-mail and/or SMS. They also receive the location (indoor and/or outdoor) of the person that needs help. A 2-way voice connection is established immediately.

The Lone Worker App helps first responders understand the situation and coordinate and document measures.

Detection of motionlessness with existing hardware

MultiBel serves as a platform for alerting, information and communication. Hardware can be easily connected to the platform. Additional interfaces can be created for other systems. These systems can include the fire alarm system, evacuation systems, emergency buttons and internal systems.

MultiBel security platform for lone workers

With the flexibility and versatility of the platform, MultiBel offers solutions for lone workers of all risk classes. When you choose MultiBel, we work together to properly understand and set up your system.

You can alert colleagues in nearby offices with a silent alarm from a meeting room. You can also forward an alarm from your maintenance staff to an Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC). We can discuss pros and cons and set up all options that you need.

Lone worker no movement

Alarmering naar collega’s of PAC

De keuze van de juiste alarmontvanger hangt af van uw eisen en wensen. Voor sommige werkplekken zijn collega’s in de buurt of BHV’ers de juiste ontvangers. Als er geen collega’s zijn, is een Particuliere Alarm Centrale de ontvanger.

Soms is een combinatie van collega’s en bemande posities de beste alarmroute om hulp te krijgen. Als er niet voldoende bevestigingen zijn, activeert MultiBel automatisch een escalatiescenario dat de alarm- en servicecentrale alarmeert. Geselecteerde medewerkers kunnen zien wie er in de buurt is en wat de huidige status is. Dit hangt af van hun gebruikersrol. Hierdoor komt de hulpverlening zo snel mogelijk op gang en worden problemen door bijvoorbeeld onderbezetting voorkomen.

Why detect non-movement with a smartphone?

For lone workers, a voluntary alarm is usually not sufficient. It depends on the activity and to a large extent on the risk class. With MultiBel, you have additional protection for lone workers using smartphone sensor technology.

Advantages of the Lone Worker App:

  • no additional hardware required, works on almost any smartphone
  • Indoor/outdoor positioning
  • 2-way or 1-way communication depending on requirements
  • Flexible start or stop by the lone worker
  • Location-independent (no separate network required)
  • Lone worker app with K21023 certification “Mobile security of persons”
Non-movement lone worker

What else does MultiBel offer?

MultiBel protects lone workers and provides value during emergencies, disruptions, cyber attacks and operational events.

The MultiBel alarm platform provides:

  • Overview of your employees’ presence
  • Alerting via multiple channels
  • Any number of function groups and scenarios can be predefined and managed
  • 99.95% reliability
  • MultiBel is K21047 “Wireless Silent Alarm System” certified
  • Integrated crisis management
  • Real-time visibility of alerts and responses
  • Ability to alert ARC
  • The platform can also be used for other things besides security. For example, it can be used for emergency alarms, IT problems and fire alarms.
  • Ability to connect hardware, such as alarm buttons, fire alarm panels, etc.

MultiBel certification for protection of all employees

Kiwa’s certification K21023, is for the digital protection of individuals via smartphone sensor technology. MultiBel offers the first (and so far only) lone worker app to have this certification. To obtain this certification, an auditor from Kiwa checks the organisation and the entire system annually.

Try MultiBel’s motionlessness detection app now.

We would like to explain how our motion detection/non-movement method works. We would also like to discuss other elements of the Lone Worker App. Please contact us for a no-obligation demo.